Jan 19, 2024

When you need new headlights, the best place to get them is from your dealership. Here’s how to tell that it’s time for some new bulbs.

Noticeable Color Shift in Headlight Beam

If you observe a color shift in your headlight beam, such as it turning pinkish or blue or yellow, this can indicate that the bulbs are nearing the end of their life. This color shift is often more apparent in HID (High-Intensity Discharge) bulbs.

Unusual Light Patterns on the Road

Pay attention to the pattern your headlights cast on the road. If the light pattern becomes uneven or shows dark spots, it could mean the headlight bulbs are deteriorating. Proper illumination should provide a consistent, even spread of light.

Struggling to Illuminate Nighttime Roads

When driving on newly upgraded or well-lit roads, if your headlights seem to make little difference, it might be time for an upgrade. If you find it harder to spot animals or pedestrians at night than you used to, it could be due to fading headlight brightness. New, more powerful headlights can enhance your ability to see and react to these hazards.

Pay attention to how often you’re using your high beams, too. You should never be using these except when you’re driving on roads with no street lighting and when there are few other drivers around. If you’re constantly using them because you think you can’t see without them, you need replacement headlights.

Increased Difficulty During Twilight Hours

Full dark isn’t the only time you need your headlights: they’re also crucial at twilight, when the color of the sky and the color of the road become one. They’re also essential for other drivers to see you, especially if you drive a gray, silver, or dark-colored car. Twilight can be one of the most challenging times to drive, so if you notice your headlights are not providing enough illumination during these hours, get new ones.

Visible Cracks or Damage to Headlight Housing

Physical damage to the headlight housing, such as cracks or holes, can impact the performance of your headlights. The damage allows external elements to affect the bulbs, and you don’t want that. A bit of rain getting in, for instance, could cause your hot bulb to burst.

Headlight Switch Issues

If you’re experiencing issues with the headlight switch, such as difficulty in turning the lights on or off, get it looked at. While the primary issue might be electrical, get the whole headlight assembly looked at and evaluate the condition of the headlights themselves.

Need some new bulbs for your lights? Need a check to find out if the assembly is ok? Whatever your car needs, bring it to us at Fury Motors.