Feb 16, 2024

Let’s talk about oil changes! Gone are the days when your dad would remind you every 3,000 miles to change your car’s oil. Modern rides are a bit more lenient, thanks to some pretty nifty advancements in car and oil tech. How often should you actually be swapping out that old oil for new at the Ford dealership?

The New Norm for Oil Changes

For most newer cars hitting the road these days, you can stretch out those oil services a bit, about every 5,000 to 7,500 miles. Of course, the specific distance is different for every car and every driver. Pull your owner’s manual out of the glove box: it’s packed with info tailored to your specific model, including how often you should change your oil.

If you’re the type to take lots of short trips, idle a lot, or tow heavy loads, your car might need more frequent changes. Older cars might need a little more TLC, too.

Why Oil Is So Important

Your car’s engine can’t run without oil. It keeps everything running smoothly by reducing friction between all those moving parts and helps keep the engine cool to boot. But over time, oil breaks down. It gets dirty and less effective, making those oil services absolutely crucial if you want to keep your car in top shape.

Telltale Signs You Need to Visit the Ford Dealership for Oil Service

Oil or Check Engine Light

When the oil light comes on, don’t ignore it. It means your car knows it’s time for new oil. The check engine light can be a sign you need fresh oil, too. However, the check engine light can also be a sign of other problems, so you should bring your car to the dealership for a professional diagnosis.

Dirty Oil

New oil is clear and amber in color. Over time, it collects dirt and debris from the engine, growing darker. If you pull out the dipstick and notice your oil is dark and gritty, it needs to be changed.

Weird Engine Noises

Oil in your engine stops metal from grinding on metal. If your engine starts grumbling louder than it used to or you hear knocking or ticking from the engine, it might mean it needs fresh oil.

You Can’t Remember the Last Time You Changed the Oil

If the last time you changed your oil is only a distant memory, it’s probably overdue. Take a look for a sticker in the corner of your window that could tell you the date and mileage of your last change. Otherwise, schedule an appointment right away.

Changing your car’s oil on schedule keeps it running smoothly and helps avoid bigger problems down the road. Call Fury Motors in South Saint Paul, MN, to schedule your next oil service today.